Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: stealing
Date Of Execution: 21 Apr 1787
Execution Place: Carmarthenshire
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Saturday, 21 April 1787
William Griffiths (and John Griffiths) on 24 March 1787 in the parish of Llan-Non did burglariously enter the shop of Anne David and steal therefrom 7 yards of flannel (value 3/-); 11 skeins of yarn (value 1/-); 1 pound of spun cotton (value 1/-) etc. (WALES 4/747/1).
There are 4 letters among the Cwmgwili MSS (223, 231, 231A and 234) relating to this Session: 2 of them almost identical in content (from Richard Jones dated 11 April (234) and from William Jones dated 4 April (231A)) announce that only one convict was left for execution "on Saturday week". This must refer to Saturday 21 April and the 4 April letter be misdated as the Session only began on 4 April.
Hereford Journal report of the Session states that Anne David was beaten.