British Executions

Charles Clarke

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: house breaking

Date Of Execution: 27 Mar 1789

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Chelmsford

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Friday, 27 March 1789 (Ipswich Journal)       

Charles Clarke and Joseph Ruth found guilty on an indictment for breaking into the dwelling house of Robert Hayward in the parish of All Saints Maldon; and stealing therefrom a watch with one case of silver and one of tortoiseshell (valued at 40/-), a steel watch chain (valued at 40/-), a cornelian stone seal set in silver (value at 1/-), a brass watch key (value at 1d), a cloth coat (valued at 20/-), a canvas purse (value at 1d) and £10.10/- in money numbered.