Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: house breaking
Date Of Execution: 26 Mar 1784
Execution Place: Chelmsford
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Friday, 26 March 1784
Richard Leather, aged 20, found guilty on an indictment for breaking into the dwelling house of John Biggerstaff in the parish of Woodford on 16th January 1784; and stealing therefrom 3 pairs of worsted stockings (valued at 30/-), 14 yards of white linen cloth (valued at 14/-), 6 yards of other linen cloth (valued at 3/-), 4 pieces of printed cotton measuring 18 yards (valued at 27/-), 2 pieces of spotted lawn measuring 2 yards (valued at 3/-), a small piece of white calimanco (valued at 6d), a yard of brown Holland cloth (valued at 6d), 2 yards of thread lace (valued at 1/-),a pound of linen thread (valued at 8/-), 3 pounds of green tea (valued at 18/-), 8 linen handkerchiefs (valued at 8/- and 8/- in money numbered.