British Executions

George Bartingdon

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: house breaking

Date Of Execution: 23 Mar 1781

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Chelmsford

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Friday, 23 March 1781 (Ipswich Journal)       

William Ellis, George Bartingdon and Philip Jones (otherwise Philip Eyres) found guilty on an indictment for breaking into the dwelling house of John Miller, Doctor of Physic, in Waltham Abbey on 22nd April 1780; and stealing therefrom a silver cup (valued at £3), a gold watch (valued at £3), another watch (valued at £3), a towel (valued at 6d), a saddle (valued at £2) and a bridle (valued at 2/-).   Executed on.