British Executions

Edward Tweed

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: house breaking

Date Of Execution: 13 Aug 1773

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Chelmsford

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Friday, 13 August 1773 (Ipswich Journal)

Edward Tweed found guilty on an indictment for breaking in to the dwelling house of Pinson Bonham in the parish of Shenfield on 8th April 1773; and sealing therefrom 3 gold guineas, £3.3/2 in money numbered, a cloth coat (value at 30/-), a cloth waistcoat (valued at 15/-), 2 pairs of buckskin bre4eches (valued at 39/-), 8 muslin neck handkerchiefs (valued at 12/-), a pair of white worsted stockings (valued at 2/6), a linen shirt (valued at 1/-), a pair of white leather gloves (valued at 10d), 6 mohair coat buttons (value at  2d), and a silver stud (valued at 6d) - the money, goods and chattels, goods of Arthur Brown; and 2 pairs of white stockings (value at 6d) and a Bristol stone button set in silver (valiued at 1/-) - the  goods and chattels of Sarah Lee.