Age: 21
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 6 Jul 1961
Crime Location: Charing Cross Road
Execution Place: Pentonville
Method: hanging
Executioner: Harry Allen
Edwin Bush murdered Elsie May Batton 59.
She was an assistant in an antiques shop at 23 Cecil Court, off Charing Cross Road, London. Edwin Bush had gone into the shop to enquire about a sword after which he went to another antiques shop to find out how much they would pay for such an item.
The next day he returned to the antiques shop and beat Elsie Batton to death and took the sword. He then went to the other antiques shop to sell it but they said they would need to value it and he left the sword with them.
The case was one of the first to use the identikit process and a likeness was produced that was good enough for police to make a quick arrest of Edwin Bush in Soho.
At his trial he claimed that he had lost patience with Elsie Batton whilst haggling over the price and that she had made racial insults to him, he was a halfcast Indian.
Other evidence included fingerprints and blood found on his clothing.
see "Court Told Of Three Daggers In Curio Shop Case." Times [London, England] 6 Apr. 1961: 6. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.
see "Accused Admits Hitting Woman In Curio Shop." Times [London, England] 12 May 1961: 7. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.
see "Court Of Criminal Appeal." Times [London, England] 14 June 1961: 16. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.
see National Archives - CRIM 1/3661
see A Calendar Of Murder, Criminal Homicide In England Since 1957, Terence Morris and Louis Blom-Cooper