Age: 20
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 25 May 1961
Crime Location: Lloyds Bank, Field Place, Durrington, Worthing
Execution Place: Wandsworth
Method: hanging
Executioner: Harry Allen
Victor Terry was part of a gang that robbed the Lloyds Bank at Durrington. During the robbery he shot John Henry Pull 61 with a shotgun.
After the robbery he escaped to Glasgow where he was arrested on 13 November.
At his trial he claimed that he was high on drinamyl or purple hearts and didnt know what he was doing and a doctor diagnosed him as schizophrenic, but another doctor claimed he was faking it. He then changed his story saying that John Pull had grabbed his gun and it had accidently gone off.
He was found guilty and executed.
see "Bank Murder Trial." Times [London, England] 29 Mar. 1961: 7. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 3 Feb. 2013.
see National Archives - ASSI 36/337