British Executions

James Smith

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: highway robbery

Date Of Execution: 21 Jul 1741

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Gallows Hill, Ware Road, Hertford

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Tuesday, 21 July 1741 at Gallows Hill

Luke Humphries, Theophilus Dean and James Smith found guilty of the highway robbery of William Tappen in the parish of Flamstead on 4th May 1741: robbing him of a watch (valued at £3), a hat (valued at 10/-), a duffel great coat (valued at 20/-), a silk handkerchief (valued at 1/-), a penknife (valued at 6d), an iron key (valued at 1d) and 6/5 in money numbered.     


The above four (ordered for execution on 22nd July) had attempted an escape early in the morning of 21st July and threatened the gaoler and his assistants.  They were overpowered with the aid of the Sheriff and one was hanged immediately opposite the gaol while the other three were taken to gallows hill and hanged before 7 o’clock.  This may (or may not) be the  first execution on Gallows Hill on the Ware Road.