Age: 24
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 12 Jul 1955
Crime Location: Woodyard off Winterton Road, Scunthorpe
Execution Place: Lincoln
Method: hanging
Executioner: Stephen Wade
Kenneth Roberts murdered Mary Georgina Roberts 18 who he strangled in Woodyard off Winterton Road, Scunthorpe on 11 May 1955.
Mary Roberts had been out to a club in Scunthorpe which she left just before midnight. Outside the club she met Kenneth Roberts who was on a bicycle. Within an hour of meeting her he strangled her with a scarf. After he went home and told his wife and then called the police and later took them to where her body was in Woodyard off of Winterton Road.
He said that he had just gone crazy.
In court he he pleaded not guilty and called no evidence in his defence and after he was convicted and sentenced he made no appeal.
see National Archives ASSI 88/115, ASSI 13/333, DPP 2/2438
see The Encyclopdia Of Executions by John J Eddleston - page 867