Age: 31
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 11 Nov 1902
Crime Location: 5 Waterford Road, Fulham, London
Execution Place: Pentonville
Method: hanging
Executioner: William Billington
Henry Williams was convicted of the murder of his 5-year-old daughter Margaret Anne Andrews and sentenced to death.
He cut her throat at his home at 5 Waterford Road, Fulham, London on 10 September 1902.
Henry Williams had been seeing a woman for nine years and they had had a child together, Margaret Andrews.
However, in 1900 Henry Williams went off to fight in the Boer War. When he returned in 1902 he became convinced that his partner had been seeing a sailor. He argued with her about it but she denied it. He told her that he would not hurt her but that he would break her heart.
The mother had been staying in Worthing at the time and he had been to see her there and took their child back to London with him. When they returned to Fulham he blind folded Margaret Andrews and told her that they were going to play a game and then cut her throat.
After killing her he went to the pub where he told people that he had killed his daughter. When the police went to his house they found Margaret Andrews dead in bed.
At the time of the murder Henry Williams had been working as a shoemaker.
He was executed at Pentonville Prison on Tuesday 11 November 1902.
5 Waterford Road was later demolished and replaced with the the Lord Roberts Workshops after which it was redeveloped again and the site is now occupied by Waterford House.
see National Archives - CRIM 1/75/11
see Western Times - Tuesday 28 October 1902
see Aberdeen Press and Journal - Friday 12 September 1902
see Banffshire Reporter - Wednesday 12 November 1902
see National Library of Scotland
see Homicide 1902