Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: robbery
Date Of Execution: 31 Mar 1788
Execution Place: Lancaster Moor
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Saturday, 31 March 1788 Liverpool (Manchester Magazine)
Patrick Burne and John Silvester Dowling guilty of robbery in the dwelling house of Mary Graham in Liverpool on 23rd December 1787: robbing her of 7 gold guineas, a silver crown piece, a leather purse (valued at 1/-), 2 leather pocket books each with a silver clasp (each valued at 5/-), a pencil (valued at 1d), a piece of cambric (valued at 1d) and a silver locket set around with marquisite (valued at 10/-); robbing John Matthews of 1 gold half guinea, a silver half crown piece and 2 silver shillings; and robbing William Harrison of 2 gold guineas, 1 gold half guinea, a silk purse (valued at 6d), a bead purse (valued at 3/-), 2 pairs of silver-plated shoe buckles (valued at 3/-), a pair of pistols (valued at 10/-) and 2 Bills of Exchange (one for £10 the other for £30)