Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 14 Aug 1775
Execution Place: Oxfordshire
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Monday, 14 August 1775
James Corbett guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of John Hitchcockin the parish of Beckley on 7th May 1775: stealing therefrom a piece of green leading string (valued at 1d), 3 pairs of yarn stockings (valued at 3/-), 7 ounces of worsted (valued at 18d), 40 pieces of tape (valued at 30/-), 30 pieces of worsted binding (valued at 30/-), 50 pieces of silk ferret (valued at 30/-), a pound of butter (valued at 8d), a loaf of bread (valued at 7d), 3 pounds of yarn (valued at 3/-), 25 oranges (valued at 18d), 60 dozen laces (valued at 20/-), 3 battledores (valued at 1d), 28 pounds of figs (valued at 7/-), 12 pounds of bacon (valued at 3/-), 2 printed books (valued at 10d) and £23 in money numbered.