Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 26 Mar 1791
Execution Place: Moor Heath/Old Heath, Shrewsbury
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
John Furber, aged 42, guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of Peter Bott in the parish of Newport on 6th December 1790: stealing therefrom 12 pieces of woollen cloth (valued at £18), 6 pieces of corduroy (valued at £15), 2 pieces of velveret (valued at £6), 4 pieces of thickset (valued at £10). 20 yards of shaped Holland (valued at 20/-), 50 dozen metal buttons (valued at 50/-), 2 pieces of check (valued at 15/-), 12 pairs of cotton stockings (valued at 12/-), 3 pieces of printed velveret (valued at £4), 9 pieces of fustian (valued at 40/-), 4 pieces of linen cloth (valued at 40/-), 4 pieces of silk ribbon (valued at 10/-), 4 wooden rollers (valued at 1d) 18 silk handkerchiefs (valued at £3). 12 muslin handkerchiefs (valued at 40/-), 20 silk and muslin handkerchiefs (valued at 40/-), 4 dozen cotton handkerchiefs (valued at 40/-), 4 pieces of cotton (valued at $4), 5 pieces of printed cotton (valued at £12), 20 pairs of worsted stockings (valued at 20/-), 3 pounds of silk (valued at 30/-), 3 pounds of Twist (valued at 30/-) and 6 pounds of thread (valued at 12/-).