Age: 25
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 9 Mar 1950
Execution Place: Pentonville
Method: hanging
Executioner: Albert Pierrepoint
Timothy Evans was convicted of the murder of his daughter Geraldine Evans aged 14 months. He was accused of having strangled her at 10 Rillington Place, Notting Hill, London on 8 November, 1949. He was generally accused of having murdered his wife Beryl Susanna Evans 19 at the same time but was not tried for that.
These crimes were later attributed to Reginold Christie who was later sentenced to death for them along with a number of other murders that took place at the address.
Whilst he was given a posthumous pardon an official report chaired by High Court judge Sir Daniel Brabin in 1965–66 concluded that it was 'more probable than not' that Timothy murdered his wife and that he did not murder his daughter.
see National Archives - MEPO 3/3147