Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: house breaking
Date Of Execution: 29 Aug 1789
Execution Place: Staffordshire
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Richard Remfrey and James M'Cabb guilty of breaking into the dwelling house of James Johnson in the parish of Shenstone on 30th May 1789; and stealing a cloth coat (valued at 15/-), a cloth waistcoat (valued at 10/-), a pair of cotton stockings (valued at 2/-), plated shoe buckles (valued at 6d), a silk handkerchief (valued at 2/-), a silver teaspoon (valued at 1/-), 1 ½ yards of silk ribbon (valued at 6d), a silk handkerchief (valued at 6d), a ticking bag (valued at 6d), a pair of cotton stockings (valued at 4/-). The indictment is incomplete - other items readable are a pair of leather shoes and a muslin cap in addition to which are items valued at 6d, 6d and 5/-.