Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 4 Aug 1785
Execution Place: Surrey
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Owen M'Carthy, aged 30, found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Susannah Marsh in the parish of Rotherhithe on 26th May 1785: stealing therefrom a silver cup (valued at 5/-), 6 silver teaspoons (valued at 5/-), a child’s trinket watch (valued at 3d), a metal watch chain (valued at 1d), a metal watch key (valued at 1d), a stone seal set in metal (valued at 1d), 7 metal weights (valued at 2/-), 6 silver teaspoons (valued at 5/-), a silver milk saucepan (valued at 8/-), 2 silver tea canisters (value at 2/-), a pair of women’s stuff shoes (valued at 1/-) and a pair of women’s cotton shoes (valued at 6d).