Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 6 Apr 1784
Execution Place: Surrey
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
George Clark Hewetson, aged 20, and John Summers, aged 19, found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Samuel Cautherley in the parish of Richmond on 19th February 1784: stealing therefrom 2 pairs of linen sheets (valued at 40/-), a cot counterpane (valued at 20/-), 2 linen pillowcases (valued at 2/-), 2 linen towels (valued at 1/-), a child’s linen frock (valued at 1/-), 2 child’s dimity petticoats (valued at 18d), a child’s pair of cotton stockings (valued at 6d), a straw hat with silk binding (valued at 2/-), a pair of metal candlesticks plated with silver (valued at 5/-), a white silk cloak lined with calico (valued at 6d), a pair of metal candle snuffers (valued at 2/-), 4 silver tops of casters (valued at 4/-), 2 silver butter spoons (valued at 20/-), a silver cream spoon (valued at 3/-), 4 silver dessert spoons (valued at 30/-), 7 other silver dessert spoons (valued at 50/-), 4 silver teaspoons (valued at 4/-), a silver cruet stand (valued at 18d), a damask tablecloth (valued at 10/-), 4 silver salt spoons (valuedeat 4/-), 2pairs of candlesticks (valued at 30/-) and 2 silver tablespoons (valued at 30/-) - the goods and chattels of Samuel Cautherley; and a black stuff petticoat (valued at 5/-), a black silk gown (valued at 10/-), a stuff gown (valued at 2/-), a linen shift (valued at 2/-), a muslin apron (valud at 2/-) and 2 muslin handkerchiefs (valued at 18d) - the goods and chattels of Elizabeth Tovery.