Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 2 Sep 1757
Execution Place: Surrey
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Richard Chapman found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of John Inglefield in the parish of Cheam on 29th February 1757 (sic): stealing therefrom 3 scarlet cloaks (valued at £1), 6 shifts (value at £3), 2 black lace handkerchiefs (valued at 1/-), 4 white aprons (valued at 4/-), 4 check aprons (valued at 4/-), 5 shirts (valued at £2). A clock (valued at £1), a blue quilted stuff petticoat (valued at 6/-), a balck quilted stuff petticoat (value at 6/-), a yellow quilted stuff coat (valued at 6/-), a black velvet hood (valued at 1/-), a black velvet cap (valued at 1/-), a black silk handkerchief (valued at 1/-), a pair of sheets (valued at 8/-), a striped silk gown (value at £1.10/-), a woman’s dimity gown (valued at £1) and a light coloured cambric gown (valued at £1).