Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 1 Apr 1755
Execution Place: Surrey
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
John Glover found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Philip Walker in the parish of Clapham on 7th December 1754: stealing therefrom 2 large silver salts (valued at 40/-), a silver salt spoon (valued at 1/-), 17 silver teaspoons (valued at 10/-), a silver milk pot (valued at 30/-), 9 large silver spoons (valued at £3), a silver pepper box (valued at 10/-), 19 yards of Irish linen (valued at 30/-), 2 loaves of sugar (valued at 12/-), 17 packs of cards (value at 11/-) and 10/- in copper ½d’s.