Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 13 Sep 1754
Execution Place: Surrey
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
James Bard (Izard) and Thomas Watson found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Patrick Christian in the parish of St Saviour, Southwark on 15th April 1754: stealing therefrom a brown silk gown (valued aat 6/-), a Persian silk petticoat (valued at 6/-), 2 linen sheets (valued at 8/-), 7 pairs of ruffles (valued at 7/-), 8 diaper clouts (valued at 2/-), 7 linen caps (valued at 2/-), a silk capuchin (valued at 12/-), a balck silk cloak (valued at 4/-), 2 tablecloths (valued at 2/-), a white frock (value at 18d), 5 muslin handkerchiefs (value at 2/-), 3 pounds of black tea (valued at 20/-), a Sugar Loaf (valued at 7/-), 3 ounces of sewing silk (valued at 6/-), a pound of thread (valued at 2/-, apiece of gartering (valued at 1/-), half a pound of worsted (valued at 18d) and 40/- in money numbered.