Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: robbery
Date Of Execution: 14 Sep 1739
Execution Place: Surrey
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Eleanor Spencer, Johanna Rashford and Peter Wellington found guilty on an indictment for the robbery of Stephen Freeman in the dwelling house of Elizabeth Bush, widow, in the parish of St George, Southwark on 1st August 1739: robbing him of a silver watch (valued at £3), a silver chain (valued at 2/6), 3 silver seals (valued at 3/-), 2 gold rings (valued at 20/-), a pair of silver shoe buckles (valued at 7/-), a pair of silver knee buckles (valued at 4/-), 2 silver teaspoons (valued at 2/-), a silver penknife (valued at 1/-), 1 gold guinea, 1 gold half guinea and 2/- in money numbered.