Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: house breaking
Date Of Execution: 4 Apr 1739
Execution Place: Surrey
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
John Blundall found guilty on an indictment for breaking into the dwelling house of Thomas Blake in the parish of St Mary, Lambeth on 8th June 1738; and stealing therefrom 5 shirts (valued at 15/-), 4 shifts (valued at 4/-), 3 sheets (valued at 6/-), a pillow bier filled with child’s bed linen (valued at 20/-), 5 linen window curtains (valued at 5/-), 10 linen aprons (valued at 10/-), 4 child’s linen frocks (valued at 2/-), an ounce of old silver (valued at 5/-) and 14/6 in money numbered.