Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 17 Apr 1790
Execution Place: Sussex
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
George Summer found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Richard Blackman in the parish of Yapton on 11th March 1790: stealing therefrom 2 men’s hats (valued at 8/-), 4 pairs of men’s leather gloves (valued at 4/-), 15 yards of white baize cloth (valued at 15/-), 12 yards of flannel (valued at 10/-), 9 pairs of men’s leather shoes (valued at 40/-), 13 yards of corduroy (valued at £1.16/-), a flannel waistcoat (valued at 3/-), a pair of Holland buckskin trousers (value at 3/-), 20 yards of dowlas (valued at 20/-), 3 yards of brown fustian (valued at 3/-), 30 yards of white fustian (valued at 30/-), 3 linen sheets (valued at 9/-), a pair of corduroy breeches (valued at 17/-), 5 yards of muslin (value at 9/-), 3 muslin handkerchiefs (value at 6/-), 8 yards of silk ribbon (valued at 2/6), a waist coat of wool and swanskin (valued at 6/-), 4 yards of Holland cloth (valued at 6/-) and 20 yards of Irish linen (valued at 12/-).