Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 26 Aug 1786
Execution Place: Sussex
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Francis Fowler (otherwise Francis Harris, otherwise Thomas Harris) , aged 28, found guilty on an indictment for a burglary in the dwelling house of Ann Brown, widow, in the parish of Ditchling on 12th November 1785: stealing therefrom 25 yards of printed cotton (valued at £6), 21½ yards of printed cotton calico (value at £2.9/-), 21¼ yards of printed linen (valued at £2), 145 yards of silk ribbon (valued at £3.12/-), 40 pieces of cotton handkerchief material being 108 handkerchiefs (valued at £18), 20 pieces of linen handkerchief material being 144 handkerchiefs (valued at £12), 35 yards of linen cloth (valued at 30/-), 6 pounds of hemp (valued at 5/-) and 12/- in money numbered.