Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: stealing
Date Of Execution: 2 Aug 1793
Execution Place:
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
James Wiggett guilty of stealing from the warehouse of John Moore in the parish of Tardebigge on 30th March 1793: stealing therefrom 20,000 needles (valued at £40), 11 gross coat buttons plated on metal (valued at £9), 29 gross breast buttons plated on metal (valued at £6), 20 gross other buttons gilt and plated (valued at £8), 6 gross coat buttons called dipped metal buttons (valued at 30/-), 6 gross breast buttons called dipped metal buttons (valued at 15/-), 6 gross breast buttons silvered (valued at 12/-), 6 gross other metal buttons (valued at 30/-), 2 tortoiseshell instrument cases (valued at 21/-), 6 tortoiseshell toothpick cases (valued at 30/-), 14 tortoiseshell smelling bottle cases (valued at 35/-), 7 ivory toothpick cases (valued at £4) and 3 gross coat buttons called round top buttons silvered on iron (valued at 18/-).