Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: house breaking
Date Of Execution: 4 Aug 1775
Execution Place:
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Thomas Page guilty of breaking into the dwelling house of Isaac Jacob in the parish of Dudley on 18th April1775; and stealing therefrom a cotton gown (valued at 10/-), 5 pairs of linen sheets (valued at 50/-), 2 tickin pillowcases (valued at 3/-), 2 pairs of pillowcases (valued at 5/-), 2 blankets (valued at 4/-), a feather bed (valued at 40/-), 5 linen aprons (valued at 5/-), 8 linen shirts (valued at 40/-), 2 linen napkins (valued at 2/-), a pair of worsted stockings (valued at 1/-), a pair of cotton stockings (valued at 1/-), 2 copper saucepans (valued at 2/-), a copper tea kettle (valued at 2/-), a pair of plated spurs (valued at 2/-), a pair of plated knee buckles (valued at 1/-), 3 pieces of hanged beef (valued at 15/-), 2 neat’s tongues (valued at 2/-), a piece of mutton (valued at 1/-) and 4 iron keys (valued at 4d). His execution was respited until further notice. Probably not hanged.