Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 1 Apr 1742
Execution Place: York
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Henry Birch guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of John Smith in Birmingham on 15th November 1741: stealing therefrom 2 woollen great coats (valued at 20/-), a pair of leather boots (valued at 5/-), 5 silver spoons (valued at 40/-), 1 silk handkerchief (valued at 1/-). 1 flaxen shirt (valued at 5/-), 3 dozen pewter plates (valued at 30/-), 3 diaper tablecloths (valued at 18/-). A piece of check linen for an apron (valued at 18d), a child’s pair of stockings (valued at 2d), a child’s Holland shirt (valued at 2/-), a linen towel (valued at 4d) and a piece of jersey silk (valued at 1/-) - the goods and property of John Smith; a hat (valued at 2/-) and a linen and silk handkerchief (valued at 1/-) - the property of Mary Sheppard; a pair of shoes (valued at 18d) - the property of William Hollies; a pair of wool stockings (valued at 1d) and a linen apron (valued at 3d) - the property of Anne Latimore; a hempen apron (valued at 1/-), a hat (valued at 3/-) and a pair of linen gloves (valued at 6d) - the property of Barbara Thomlinson; and a hat (valued at 3/-) - the property of Joseph Bellamy.