Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: house breaking
Date Of Execution: 30 Mar 1739
Execution Place: York
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Humphrey Crow, aged 19, guilty of breaking into the outhouse of the dwelling of Daniel Pearsehouse in the parish of Shelsley on 15th November 1738; and stealing therefrom 11 yards of woollen cloth (valued at 20/-), 30 yards of striped calimanco (valued at 20/-), 13 linen handkerchiefs (valued at 13/-), 60 yardsof ribbon (valued at 20/-), 5 yards of scarlet shagg (valued at 20/-), 28 yards of Tirling (valued at 20/-), 5 yards of stamped Holland cloth (valued at 5/-), 1 parl (?) (valued at 3d) and 1 wrapper (valued at 3d).