Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: burglary
Date Of Execution: 7 Apr 1787
Execution Place: York
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
William Bryan guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of John Rickaby in the parish of Common Dale on 11th July 1786: stealing therefrom a printed linen gown (valued at 8/-), a grape gown (valued at 13/-), a white corded petticoat (valued at 6/-), a brown woollsey petticoat (valued at 2/6), 2 striped woollsey petticoats (valued at 6/-), 1 half-wide clot coat (valued at 15/-), 1 other cloth coat (valued at 20/-),a linen waistcoat (valued at 4/-), a black cotton gown (valued at 10/-), a cotton gown (valued at 10/-), a red cotton gown (valued at 10/-), a scarlet cloak with black and white fur (valued at 10/-), a linen sheet (valued at 8/-), 3 linen sheets (valued at 17/-), 8 yards of stuff (valued at 5/-), 5 yards of green half jersey (valued at 6/8), a black silk hood with lace (valued at 3/-), a pair of stays (valued at 16/-), 2 silk handkerchiefs (valued at 5/-), a black Barcelona handkerchief (valued at 3/-), a single mode handkerchief (valued at 2/-) a handkerchief with flowered border (valued at 1/-), 3 linen shirts (valued at 12/-), 2 linen shifts (valued at 5-), a pair of men’s leather shoes (valued at 4/-), a pair of women’s shoes (valued at 2/6), a table cloth (valued at 5/-), anapkin (valued at 1/-), 18 yards of unbleached linen (valued at 14/-), 4/6 in silver money and 4 farthings.