Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: stealing
Date Of Execution: 19 Aug 1786
Execution Place: York
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
James Braithwaite (otherwise James Thompson), aged 30, guilty of stealing 20 yards of black silk (valued at £3.10/-), 56 yards of printed cotton (valued at £8), 25 yards of lace (valued at £3.13/-), 98 yards of white thread edging (valued at £4), 4 pairs of men’s cotton hose (valued at 16/-), 4 pairs of brown thread hose (valued at 13/-), 5 yards of Nankeen (valued at 8/-), 3 yards of corded Dimity (valued at 2/-), 6 silk handkerchiefs (valued at £1.12/-), 1 long shawl (valued at 5/-) and 4 pairs of men’s worsted hose (valued at 11/-) - the property of Andrew Moffat and John Bell, in the dwelling house of Thomas Paxton in the parish of Long Preston on 10th May 1786.