Age: 53
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 17 Aug 1937
Crime Location: 22 Islington Green, London
Execution Place: Pentonville
Method: hanging
Executioner: Alfred Allen
Frederick Murphy murdered Rosina Field 49 by strangling her at 22 Islington Green, London on 12 May 1937.
Rosina Field was found dead behind a tin box in the basement at a furniture company at 22 Islington Green, London on 13 May after a note had been given to the salesman from Frederick Murphy who was the furniture companies odd job man.
Two days later Frederick Murphy walked into a police station and gave himself up. He said that he found Rosina Field in the baement and had moved her body but didnt kill her. However several witnesses had seen him with a woman on that day. One witness saw Frederick Murphy and a woman go into the warehouse on 12 May and although she couldnt identify the woman she did identify Rosina Field's distinctive blue coat. Another witness said that he had seen Frederick Murphy and Rosina Field together around 8pm and then two hours later he saw Frederick Murphy alone.
see Encyclopedia of Executions - John Eddleston
see National Archives - MEPO 3/874, HO 144/20658, HO 144/20659, MEPO 3/1647, CRIM 1/465