Age: 62
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 10 Feb 1937
Crime Location: Hartington Road, Rotherham
Execution Place: Leeds
Method: hanging
Executioner: Thomas Pierrepoint
Andrew Bagley, also known as John Smith murdered Irene Hart 16 by strangling her at Hartington Road, Rotherham on 12 September 1936.
Andrew Bagley and Irene Hart lived in a crowded house and actually shared the same mattress in a room. Irene Hart was the daughter of a man that had married Andrew Bagley's daughter with Irene Hart being the daughter from a previous marriage.
Andrew Bagley and Irene Hart had a row on 29 August when she went to the cinema with two boys. Andrew Bagley said that it was not right that she should go about with boys like that adding that she was his girl anyway.
On 12 September 1936 Andrew Bagley and Irene Hart were left alone in the house during which he stuffed newspaper in her mouth and strangled her, removing some clothing of hers and then stuffing her body in a tin trunk. After he fled and was not arrested until 23 October in Hucknall, Nottinghamshire.
He said that Irene Hart had come home with a man called Tom and that it was Tom who had murdered her.
see The Encyclopedia of Executions - John Eddleston
see National Archives - MEPO 3/797