Age: 25
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 30 May 1935
Crime Location: 52 Symonds Street, Broughton, Salford
Execution Place: Manchester
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
John Bridge murdered his girlfriend Amelia Nuttall 26 by battering her and cutting her throat at 52 Symonds Street, Broughton, Salford on 14 April 1935.
John Bridge was engaged to Amelia Nuttall and had been seeing each other for 7 years but had found another girl that he wanted to see. They were due to get married on 8 June 1935. However, he couldnt break it off with Amelia Nuttall. he was given an ultimatum by his new lover and so went round to see Amelia Nuttall and they quarrelled during which John Bridge beat her with a poker and then cut her throat with a bread knife. After he staged the room so that it would look like there had been a break in. However, there was no sign of a break in indicating that Amelia Nuttall knew her assailant and after questioning John Bridge confessed that he had gone to see Amelia Nuttall to discuss breaking off the engagement and that she had attacked him with the poker and that he took it off her and hit her with it. he said that he then panicked and slit her throat and made it look like a robbery.
see National Archives - ASSI 52/447, HO 144/20001