Age: unknown
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 27 May 1844
Execution Place: Newgate
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
William Crouch murdered his wife Frances Elizabeth in Marylebone who throat he cut with a razor. He said that he had been conviced by a woman that his wife had been unfaithful. They had already partially seperated because of his bad conduct but she continued to visit him and mend his clothes.
William Crouch lodged at a hous at 4 Little Marylebone Street. William Crouch and Frances Elizabeth had been married for just under 2 years. Frances Elizabeth had been to his lodgings that evening and was in her room with their child. William Crouch returned and asked the landlady if Frances Elizabeth was back and she said that she was and that she was upstairs but he would have to wait until the stairs dried before he could go up which he did. The landlady noted that whilst he waited he was singing the song 'Fare thee well, love. im goin', but he stopped as he went up the stairs. As he got to the room the landlady heard the girl cry out 'mother mother' and she went upstairs to see William Crouch wiping clean his razor
When the jury retired at 4pm they returned at 9pm to say they would not be able to agree on a verdict that evening and an officer was sworn to take them in charge until 10am the following morning. However, the judge ruled that they were not to be allowed meat, drink or fire except candle light. The following morning they had not made an agreement and asked the judge to read out to them the part of the evidence that related to William Crouch' insanity. At 11.30am the jury sent a note asking for water as some people had not eaten or drunk for 30 hours but the judge said that he was bound to refuse the request. The judge asked if they had come to a verdict and the jury asked to hear all the evidence again and the judge read it out and the jury retired. At 2pm they returned with a guilty verdict.
In his condemed cell he said 'he was incited or impelled to commit the act through the artifices of a female named Cousins, who had persuaded him that his wife was unfaithful to him.'
see Cork Examiner - Friday 31 May 1844
see Kentish Gazette - Tuesday 14 May 1844
see Hereford Journal - Wednesday 15 May 1844