Age: 24
Sex: female
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 5 Aug 1843
Execution Place: Bedford
Method: hanging
Executioner: unknown
Sarah Dazeley was convicted of the murder of her husband who she had poisoned with arsenic.
Sarah Dazeley was the daughter of a hairdresser and grew up in the village of Polton, Bedfordshire. At 18 she married a man called Mead from Tpalow who was a clergyman in the parish. They were at first happy together but in 1840 they had a disagreement and Mead became suddenly ill and was confined to his bed with stomach pains and later died. Their daughter also similarly died a short time after.
5 months later Sarah Dazeley married Mr Dazeley and they led a life of extreme profligacy. 2 years after their marriage Mr Dazeley was taken seriously ill and died. Then, when in February 1843 news spread incorrectly that she was about to marry a third time suspision fell on her and and the remains of Mr Dazeley were dug up and found to contain arsenic.
10 thousand people were present to witness her execution. She was given the name of 'Female Blue Beard'
see Western Times - Saturday 12 August 1843