Age: 28
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 25 Jul 1928
Execution Place: Liverpool
Method: hanging
Executioner: Thomas Pierrepoint
Albert Absalom murdered his girlfriend Mary Alice Reed 26. He slit her throat on Sackville Street, Liverpool on 11 May 1928. She died 6 days later on 17 May.
Albert Absalom was an unemployed labourer and Mary Reed was a mill worker.
Albert Absalom had been seeing Mary Reed for 6 years but had become jealous of her. On 11 May he was seen talking to her on Sackville Street and then suddenly she started to scream. He attempted to walk away but was stopped. He had brought the knife on 11 May. He said he just wanted to scare her but as she turned to walk away be grabbed her whilst holding the knife and accidently cut her throat.
see Western Morning News - Tuesday 10 July 1928
see National Archives - ASSI 52/396