Sex: male
Crime: Housebreaking
Date Of Execution: 30 Nov 1784
Crime Location:
Execution Place: Reading
Method: hannging
Executioner: unknown
Thomas Dennison indicted for breaking into the dwelling house of George Mercy in the parish of Tilehurst on 13th October 1785; and stealing therefrom 2 linen shirts (valued at 8/-), a linen handkerchief (valued at 1/-) and 2 muslin neck-cloths (valued at 1/-) - the property of George Mercy; 5 linen aprons (valued at 10/-), 3 linen handkerchiefs (valued at 1/-), 5 muslin handkerchiefs (valued at 1/-), 2 silk handkerchiefs (valued at 12/-), 2 linen shifts (valued at 5/-), a pair o cotton stockings (valued at 1/-) and a cotton gown (valued at 12/-) - the property of Elizabeth Simmons. Shown as Reprieved n Assizes Book - No Reprieve traced in HO papers