Sex: male
Crime: Housebreaking
Date Of Execution: 1 Aug 1795
Crime Location:
Execution Place: Reading
Method: hannging
Executioner: unknown
First execution on the New Drop outside Reading Gaol. Saturday, 1 August 1795 New drop, County Gaol, Reading (Reading Mercury) James Barnes indicted for breaking into the dwelling house of Benjamin Randall in the parish of White Waltham on 30th March 1795; and stealing therefrom 2 pairs of worsted stockings (valued at 8/-), a pair of plated shoe buckles (valued at 3/-) and 9/7? in money - the property of Benjamin Randall; 9 yards of silk ribbon (valued at 4/-) - the property of Dinah Randall; and, a silk handkerchief (valued at 5/-) - the property of Edward Randall. He was also found guilty of breaking into the dwelling house of William Dee in the parish of Bray the same night and stealing therefrom a cloth coat (valued at 30/-), a linen waistcoat (valued at 4/-), a pair of corduroy breeches (valued at 17/-), a pair of silver shoe buckles (valued at 15/-) and a pair of silver studs (valued at 5/-).