Sex: male
Crime: Burglary
Date Of Execution: 24 Mar 1785
Crime Location:
Execution Place: Reading
Method: hannging
Executioner: unknown
Thursday, 24 March 1785 (Reading Mercury) William Prizey indicted for a burglary in the dwelling house of Thomas Pawling in the parish of Uffington on 5th November 1784: stealing therefrom 2 pairs of leather breeches (valued at 30/-), 2 yards of Kersey cloth (valued at 20/-), 4 yards of Serge (valued at 16/-), 3 remnants of Broadcloth (valued at 20/-), 7/8 of a yard of strong Broadcloth (valued at 9/-), 8 yards of Fustian (valued at 13/-), 2 worsted stockings (valued at 4/-), a linen shirt (valued at 4/-) and a woollen night cap (valued at 6d).