Sex: male
Crime: Burglary
Date Of Execution: 23 Mar 1776
Crime Location:
Execution Place: Reading
Method: hannging
Executioner: unknown
Saturday, 23 March 1776 (Bath Chronicle) William Clifford indicted for a burglary in the dwelling house of Deborah Pottinger, widow, in the parish of Compton on 13th February 1776: stealing therefrom a Dimity gown (valued at 20/-), 2 chintz gowns (valued at 40/-), a crepe gown (valued at 20/-), a camblet gown (valued at 20/-), a cotton bedgown (valued at 20/-), a pair of stays (valued at 20/-), 2 silk petticoats (valued at 20/-), a calico petticoat (valued at 10/-), a Russell pettticoat (valued at 10/-), a stuff petticoat (valued at 10/-), another calico petticoat (valued at 10/-), 2 silk cloaks (valued at 30/-), a pair of linen sheets (valued at ?4), a linen handkerchief (valued at 1/-), a silk and cotton handkerchief (valued at 1/-), a child?s petticoat (valued at 2/-), a pair of silver tea tongs (valued at 3/-), 3 silver teaspoons (value illegible) and a linen frock (valued at 2/-) - the property of Deborah Pottinger; a cardinal (valued at 10/-), a silk hat (valued at 5/-), 2 check aprons (valued at 2/-), a linen bedgown (valued at 5/-) and a knife (valued at 4d) - the property of Hannah (illegible), spinster.