Sex: male
Crime: Burglary
Date Of Execution: 30 Jul 1774
Crime Location:
Execution Place: Reading
Method: hannging
Executioner: unknown
Saturday, 30 July 1774 (Bath Chronicle) Richard Myott indicted for a burglary in the dwelling house of Charles Maxey in the parish of St Mary, Wallingford on 22nd July 1773: stealing therefrom 12 pairs of Bristol buttons (valued at 26/-), 6 pairs of silver buttons (valued at 10/-), 29 silver teaspoons (valued at ? illegible), a silver pap spoon (valued at 6/-), 4 silver tablespoons (valued at 40/-), 18 pairs of silver buckles (valued at ?10), a stone stock buckle (valued at 10/-), 2 silver stock buckles (valued at /-), 7 pairs of gold wires (valued at 16/-), a pair of gold earrings (valued at 4/-), a pair of garnet earrings set in gold (valued at 9/-), 3 gold rings (valued at 14/-), a watch with silver cases (valued at ?4), a silver medal (valued at 5/-), a gold 6/- coin, 4 pieces of silver coin with a value of 3/8 and 8 copper halfpennies. 1774 (Reading Mercury for 1 and 8 August - missing)