Age: 33
Sex: female
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 24 Jun 1926
Execution Place: Manchester
Method: hanging
Executioner: Thomas Pierrepoint
Louie Calvert murdered Lily Waterhouse 40 by battering and strangling her to death at 30 Amberley Road, Leeds on 31 March 1926.
Louie Calvert had been moving around from address to address in the Leeds area and had a background of wrong doing. Whilst living with a man she told him that she was pregnant, which was a lie, so that he would marry him which he did. She even went away to give birth to the fictional child and arranged to adopt a child to continue the charade.
Whilst 'away giving birth in Desbury' she was secretly living in Leeds where she had moved in with Lily Waterhouse on the condition that she was to work as the maid in exchange for her board. However, she was workshy and had started to steel silverwear and items and pawning them. Lily Waterhouse went to the police on 30 March who arranged for her to appear before magistrates on 1 April to get a 'process'. However, when she got back she told told Louie Calvert what she had done and Louie Calvert strangled her and stole whatever items of value she could find.
She was soon tracked down to her 'husbands' house and arrested. when she was convicted she told the authorities that she was pregnant and so they couldnt hang her, but they did and she wasnt pregnant.
Also, before her execution she confessed to the murder of John Frobisher in 1922 who was found dead in a canal.
see National Archives - HO 144/6012