Age: 54
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 23 Mar 1926
Crime Location: 122 Prince Street, Birkenhead
Execution Place: Liverpool
Method: hanging
Executioner: William Willis
Lock Ah Tam murdered his wife and daughters Catherine Ah Tam 42, Doris Ah Tam 19 and Cecilia Ah Tam 17 by shooting them at 122 Prince Street, Birkenhead on 2 December 1925.
Lock Ah Tam was initially a well respected man who ran the European branch of the Jack Ah Tai organisation for Chinese dock workers, the Chinese Progress Club and was superintendent of Chinese sailors for three steamship companies in Liverpool.
However, in February 1918 he was hit over the head whilst drinking and went to hospital. After that he became irritable and started to drink and have violent mood swings. Things deteriorated and then on 2 December 1925 he shot his wife and daughters at their home after a party.
see National Archives - HO 144/5465, ASSI 65/30/3, PCOM 8/149
see Hartlepool Mail - Wednesday 03 February 1926