Age: 25
Sex: male
Crime: murder
Date Of Execution: 29 Mar 1916
Crime Location: 6 Ellis Street, Burnley
Execution Place: Manchester
Method: hanging
Executioner: John Ellis
Reginald Haslam was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend Isabella Holmes Conway 35 and sentenced to death.
He strangled her at 6 Ellis Street, Burnley on 23 December 1915.
Reginald Haslam and Isabella Conway had been living at 6 Ellis Street for about four months when on 20 December 1915 he left and went to stay with his mother at 3 Pitt Street, Burnley.
On the night of 22 December Reginald Haslam went back to 6 Ellis Street and knocked on the door but Isabella Conway would not let him in. He asked her who she had in there with her and looked through the letterbox and saw a soldier that he recognised as his sisters husband.
Isabella Conway opened the door but said he could not come in, but he did and he saw the man sitting in an armchair in the kitchen. The man soon got his hat and coat and left.
Reginald Haslam stayed with Isabella Conway that night and in the morning around 11am he brought her a cup of tea and they started to talk about the night before and Reginald Haslam said that Isabella Conway said 'You little know I had a man with me on Monday night' and Reginald Haslam said 'If I thought you had I would kill you'. They then began to quarrel and Reginald Haslam strangled Isabella Conway for two minutes and then found she was dead.
After, he tied a ribbon around her neck, put her on the sofa and covered her with a shawl. He then went out and visited a number of people and then went out drinking at a number of pubs and later went to the police station to hand himself in.
see The Burnley News - Wednesday 29 December 1915 (includes picture of both parties)
see Homicide 1916