British Executions

Charles Frembd

Age: 70

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 4 Nov 1914

Crime Location: 44 Harrow Road, Leytonstone, London

Execution Place: Chelmsford

Method: hanging

Executioner: John Ellis


Charles Frembd was convicted of the murder of his wife Louisa Frembd 52 and sentenced to death.

He cut her throat at 44 Harrow Road, Leytonstone, London on 28 August 1914.

Charles Frembd was born in Germany but naturalised in the United States of America in 1893. He came to the United Kingdom when he was 16, but resided mostly in America and his daughters by his first marriage were still there.

He had been a carpenter and cabinet maker by trade.

He married Louisa Frembd, who was his cousin, in May 1913. However, they continually quarrelled, and it was heard that on 27 August 1914 Charles Frembd threw a loaf of bread at Louisa Frembd.

Later, in the early hours of the following morning, at about 2am on 28 August 1914, Charles Frembd cut Louisa Frembd's throat with a razor while she was in bed. Then, about five hours later, he cut his own throat, severing his windpipe and muscles. However, no large artery was cut and he was later found at about 8.30am lying fully dressed on their bed lying next to the body of Louisa Frembd.

A notebook that was found written in Charles Frembd's writing contained a statement that read, 'Her first husband made off with himself and I can't stand it any longer, God forgive me, her temper done it all'.

The police report noted that Charles Frembd's first husband had committed suicide.

Charles Frembd was found by doctors to be sane although it was noted that due to premature senile decay his powers of self-control were somewhat weakened.

At his trial Charles Frembd gave a rambling statement as to Louisa Frembd's temper and said that he didn't remember the incident or the night. However, it was heard that the judge didn't believe him.

He was sentenced to death with a recommendation to mercy on the grounds of his age. The police report noted that they could find no recent case of a man of 70 having been executed although added that there were plenty of cases of men over 50 being hung for wife-murder. The police report suggested that his age was scarcely sufficient grounds for a reprieve, noting that the murder was deliberate, and that Louisa Frembd had been in her nightdress at the time and probably asleep.

He was executed on 4 November 1914.

see National Archives - HO 144/1387/268691

see Homicide 1914