Sex: male
Crime: Housebreaking
Date Of Execution: 4 Apr 1803
Execution Place: Horsemonger Lane
Method: hanging
Surrey James Kelly, aged 20, found guilty on an indictment for breaking into the dwelling house of James Hooker in the parish of Croydon on 11th September 1802; and stealing therefrom 3 pairs of stockings (valued at 4/-), a cloak (value at 7/-), a petticoat (valued at 12/-), a gown (valued at 14/-), a gown piece (valued at 15/-), a waistcoat piece (value at 7/-), 2 waistcoats (valued at 9/-), a hat (valued at 18d), 2 aprons (value at 4/-), 2 coats (value at £1), a neck cloth (valued at 6d) and a pair of breeches (valued at 2/-).