Age: 36
Sex: male
Crime: Stealing in a dwelling house
Date Of Execution: 14 Aug 1802
Execution Place: Winchester Gallows Hill
Method: hanging
Francis Green (otherwise Thomas Green) aged 36) guilty of a robbery in the dwelling house of Robert Ridley in the parish of Heckfield on 22nd August 1801: putting Mary Lovelock in fear and stealing therefrom a pair of gold shirt buttons (valued at 10/-), 2 pairs of silver sugar tongs (valued at 10/-), 6 silver teaspoons (valued at 6/-), a silver snuff box (valued at 10/-) and 30/- in money numbered - the property and money of Robert Ridley; 4 handkerchiefs (valued at 10/-) and 3 gold rings (valued at 20/-) - the property of Sarah Parfett, spinster.