Sex: male
Crime: Burglary
Date Of Execution: 9 Apr 1802
Execution Place: Exeter County Gaol
Method: hanging
William Smith (aged 34) guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of James Campbell in the parish of East Stonehouse on 7th October 1801: stealing therefrom 32 yards of printed cotton (valued at £48), 312 yards of lace (valued at £30), 24 pairs of men’s shoes (valued at 40/-), 10 pairs of women’s shoes (valued at 20/-) , 77 pocket handkerchiefs (valued at £5.15/-), 53 silk handkerchiefs (valued at £13), 21 yards of muslin (valued at £4.10/-), 13 shawls (valued at £3.17/-), 6 yards of silk (valued at 12/-) and 4 muslin neck handkerchiefs (valued at 12/-). Buried St Sidwell, Exeter on 12th April.