Sex: male
Crime: Burglary
Date Of Execution: 26 Aug 1801
Execution Place: Ilchester Gallows Field
Method: hanging
Amos Plummer (aged 52) guilty of a burglary in the dwelling house of Charles Britten in the parish of Holcombe on 28th June 1801 stealing therefrom 30 yards of linen Dowlas (valued at 30/-), 12 yards of sheeting (valued at 12/-), 5 cotton gown pieces (valued at 50/-), 6 muslin handkerchiefs (valued at 10/-), 4 pocket handkerchiefs (valued at 4/-), 54 yards of calico (valued at 40/-), 3 pairs of worsted stockings (valued at 10/-), 3 pairs of cotton stockings (valued at 6/-), 40 yards of ribbon (valued at 20/-), 6 waistcoat pieces (valued at 20/-), 15 yards of calimanco (valued at 7/-), 3 yards of black linen cloth (valued at 2/-), 10 yards of towelling (valued at 4/-), 3 yards of shalleen (valued at 4/-), 15 yards of velveteen (valued at 50/-), 25 yards of serge (valued at 20/-) and 16 yards of pillow fustian (valued at 16/-).