Sex: male
Crime: Housebreaking
Date Of Execution: 25 Apr 1801
Execution Place: Lancaster Castle
Method: hanging
Charles Moore, John Moore and William Ryde guilty of breaking into the dwelling house of Henry Webster in Liverpool on 8th December 1800; and stealing therefrom a silver watch (valued at 40/-), 4 gold guineas, 1 gold half guinea, 2 petticoats (valued at 5/-), 2 yards of Linsey Woolsey (valued at 2/-), 4 handkerchiefs (valued at 5/-), a pair of sheets (valued at 5/-), 6 silver teaspoons (valued at 20/-), 2 silver table spoons (valued at 10/-), 6 other spoons (valued at 1/-), a pair of tea tongs (valued at 1/-). A shift (valued at 10d), 2 shirts (valued at 5/-), 2 cloaks (valued at 5/-), a pillow (valued at 1/-), a pillow case (valued at 1/-),a hat (valued at 2/-) and a pair of breeches (valued at 2/-).